
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Feminine One

Chapter One We all come from the One and the One is female. We were all one mind, one spirit and lived in perfect love and harmony. Unfortunately that total perfection created stagnation. In a total harmonious world there was no reason or motivation to change anything. So there came a desire from the One to experience life outside of itself, to experience individually and relationships. To do this, She created a material universe and within it created bodies, so parts of the One could inhabit these bodies and experience the illusion of being separate from the One. This gave the One, a taste of what it is like to be separate but then it went further and created beings that had no memory of being part of the One. Because of this, these beings began to experience loneliness, fear and suffering in this world of separation. For this reason they quickly had a powerful desire to return to the One. So their first exploration in the world of separation was brief. Yet, the One wanted to

The End of the Last Matriarchal Age

Chapter Two So what do these teachings mean in our present day society of the 21th century? We live in a world that has been dominated by the men for the last 5,000 years. The result has been a world of conflict, oppression, war, genocide and chaos. We are now in danger of destroying ourselves with destructive weapons like nuclear bombs as well as widespread pollution. The situation is now becoming so dangerous that the One is encouraging women to regain power so we can return to the protection of the One. Unfortunately, too many women are learning how to gain power by learning from men. But men can only teach women how to be more aggressive and competitive. Teachings like this only take us all further away from the One. An example of this would be politics where women politicians are taught by men to be as deceptive, corrupt and competitive as male politicians. The result has been that when female politicians act and behave like men, they can only mimic what men do and are n

The Nature of Man

Chapter Three Thirty years ago I had the first ideas about a matriarchal religion and wrote a book with the help of my friend Pamela Suffield called,” Gospel of the Goddess”.   We wrote it as a New-Age book but found the New-Age people weren’t interested in it. Then we discovered that the only people who liked it were people into femdom. So eventually I found myself being encouraged to write on femdom sites on the internet. What I discovered was that people assumed that if women ruled the world they would be as cruel and uncaring as men. Pamela made it clear to me, that a woman can be dominant and compassionate at the same time. But when I wrote this on femdom groups I never got any positive feedback. Pamela dropped out because of this but I persisted and I entered the BDSM world of sadism and masochism trying to make sense of it all. People in the femdom scene did speculate why men wanted to be dominated by women because it went against the whole idea that men were the natur

Returning to the One

Chapter four So how do women connect to the One? The most obvious way is to stop worshiping male gods. What is needed to worship a female deity as the creator of our world. There are many women who are atheists and point out that scientists believe that the universe was created in a ‘big-bang’. This is still only a theory and you still have the problem of what happened before the ‘big-bang’ or how can a universe explode out of nothing? Not all scientists agree with the big-bang theory anyway. But even if it is true this may be the way the Great Mother gave birth to the physical universe. Though it is interesting that when science began to make its mark in the 17th century and some people stopped worshiping male gods. Society since then has changed for the better and has become more equal. Then later women have slowly become more empowered. This suggests that not worshiping any male god is better for us all. Though worshiping a female deity will be even better. When a wo

The Golden Age

Chapter Five "Ancient myths and beliefs describe the female as the stronger sex, one endowed with magical powers" - Marija Gimbutas In Greek Legend there is a story of an ancient Golden Age where people lived in peace and prosperity. To quote:   "The first age was an age of innocence and happiness.   Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men built fortifications around their towns. There were no such thing as swords, spears, or helmets.   The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour in ploughing or sowing. Perpetual spring reigned, flower sprang up without seed, the rivers flowed with milk and wine, and yellow honey distilled from the oaks." After that came the Silver age, where everything wasn't so good, then the Brazen age where things got worse and finally the Iro

How to use the power of the One

In our patriarchal world we are told, love in a weakness. But love is the strongest force in the universe providing it is total love, that is to say, love for yourself as well as love for everyone else. So how do we access this power? We do it through the power of our desires and total faith in the power of the feminine One. Because the One is feminine She loves us all and wants to give us everything we desire. So when we desire anything She is will grant it to us. But if that is correct why aren’t we then getting everything we desire?  We can only access the power of the One by not interfering with what She is attempting to give us. She has given us all the power of freewill and she will never interfere with our freewill once we use it.  So it means that once we have a desire for anything we have to allow the One to grant it to us, without interference. Unfortunately, this is what we do all the time, because we do not know about power of the Great Mother. Let us

The sacrifice of Jesus

The teachings of Jesus created one of the largest religions in the world but he is totally different to most normal men. Some Christians find him an embarrassment because he was so, “meek and mild” with strange teachings like, “the meek shall inherit the Earth”. The problem about Jesus is that although he founded a patriarchal religion his teachings were mostly feminine. This is in total contrast of the macho teachings of the Old Testament. One of the unique features of Jesus is his healing, which you don’t get in any other religion that has survived to the present day. Many people assumed that he was able to heal because he was, ‘the son of God’ but he made no such claims. When he healed people he said to them, “your faith has healed you”. So he gave the credit to the person he healed and not himself. So why was this? This is because the feminine One has given us all the gift of freewill. So Jesus could never heal a person against their freewill. Now, this might seem

Chapter One: Why we need women to rule our world

Why We Need Women To Rule Our World By William Bond and Pamela Suffield Chapter One This book is about why all of us, both women and men, would be far better off if women ruled our world.   In the whole of recorded history it has nearly always been men who have been the rulers, to the point that most people think it is normal and cannot imagine what the world would be like, if women ruled instead. We not only accept male rule as normal but we also take for granted the mess the world is in.   Our history has been a history of warfare. This has become so commonplace we take it for granted that countries routinely settle differences between them through extreme violence.   We also take for granted the enormous gap between rich and poor.    Although things have slightly improved these days compared with the past, the inequality of our societies is still vast, as bankers award themselves million dollar bonuses while the common people have to pay for the banker’s mistakes.